Classes cancelled 2 months in the summer of 2024 ... from May 16th - July 23rd due to travel. We will resume July 28th. ×
लॉग इन करें

Can you tell us a bit about when/why etc to add embellishments? How do we learn that?

tina.paciorekAlbertyna Paciorek
  • 12 नव '17

I've been learning tango for a month. I wonder if there is a set of embellishments followers can do or is it spontaneous?

dwyliuDavid Liu
  • 13 नव '17

Hi Tina!

How great that you asked about embellishments. We think lots of people might be very interested.

Most of the questions in your title are answered in our video series

When to embellish is basically when it's inspired by a combination of your partner and the music. And perhaps, the choreography. Just be cautious of doing embellishments for embellishment's sake.

This said, after one month, there are more important places to put your mind. Focusing on learning core vocabulary, tango techniques and how to connect to your partner should be more rewarding.

Thank you so much for asking. We really like it when our students communicate with us. Please let us know if there's anything else we can do to make our website useful.

Very Best,
David (for David and Nancy)

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