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Issue on the "vertical expression" lift

  • 18 Jun '20

Hi to all!
First and foremost, thanks a lot for your videos, attitude in life and everything else!! :) Love ya!
So, we've been following the video school for a while now, even more through the COVID quarantine-era, and we've been playing around with some of the steps. We seem to have some problems with the fluidity of the lift on the video titled "vertical expression"... So far, we've had some improvements by changing the tempo of the slight jump from the follower (jump a bit before the leader starts the lift motion) and the positioning of the left hand and arm of the leader (palm now pointing upwards and fingers pointing towards the back). Still, the lift doesn't feel fluid and we seem to be using more muscle than desired... would you guys have any pointers for this?
Cheers from Mexico!
D & P

dwyliuDavid Liu
  • 19 Jun '20

Hi! Great to hear from you and I hope your having a lot of fun with all of this!

Note that this isn't a social step and is really choreography. It's possible to lead it, but only with someone who knows.

Below is a video with a few additional comments that might be helpful (forgive the poor lighting - wanted to get you a quick answer).

Let us know if you have other questions :)

Very Best!

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